Sheep, eh?
I'm a critic, such as yourself, but shouldn't we also represent the view that science is based on faith as much as religion is? Really, what we know about the world is quite trivial. Scientists make hypotheses about things, and base their "evidence" on the fact that that hypothesis is true. If later it is proved false, since they had no evidence for real in the first place, the rest falls apart. Science is really just a collection of loose assuptions, ready to crumble at any second, so who are the sheep? Seems more like we all are. Following these gods of science around, listening to everything they say, never seeing any real proof for ourselves. We would never know if they were lying or if science doesn't really exist at all because we believe it so blindly. If that's not also blind faith, then I don't know what is. Not trying to dis your show or anything. It was pretty good, but a little unfairly biased. I know it's all in good fun. Just keeping it real, y'all.